personal productivity

personal productivitystrategy

Stop Learning. Start Applying.

What if we took a week where we deliberately stop learning and just applied what we already knew?   Rather than searching for that perfect strategy or idea we actually took to put into action the information we already had contained within us? Instead of reading another blog post about...
personal productivity

How to Host a Silent Retreat for Your Team.

September is typically an incredibly busy time of year in the lives of church leaders.  Programs are starting ... all the people who have been away for the summer come back to church and that adds some strain on the systems.  Once again we're faced with the reality that our...
personal productivity

No Preparation … No Meeting.

This week we're exploring some organization changes that we're making around our "meeting culture" at Liquid Church.  We've been inspired and motivated largely by the work of Al Pittampalli and his book "Read this Before Our Next Meeting." If leaders haven't prepped their people before the meeting . . . the meeting shouldn't...
personal productivity

Meetings ≠ Work

This week we're exploring some organization changes that we're making around our "meeting culture" at Liquid Church.  We've been inspired and motivated largely by the work of Al Pittampalli and his book "Read this Before Our Next Meeting." Late last year I was having all of my "year end" meetings with...
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