

Practical Help on Increasing Engagement at Your Church with Ken Nash

Thanks for joining us for the unSeminary podcast. Ken Nash, the Lead Pastor of Cornerstone Church in Michigan, is with us today. For decades churches measured how well they were doing based on counting nickels and noses, but with the upheaval and loss churches have experienced over the last few...

Latest Church Trends Post-COVID with Tony Morgan

Welcome back to the unSeminary podcast. We're talking with Tony Morgan, the founder and lead strategist of The Unstuck Group, which offers consulting and coaching for churches as well as practical resources such as courses, access to research and more - all to help churches get unstuck. The Unstuck Group...

Pastor Like You Parent with Lee Eclov

Welcome to this week’s unSeminary podcast. Today I’m speaking with Pastor Lee Eclov. Lee has been in Lincolnshire, Illinois, in the suburbs of Chicago, for almost 22 years. Set in a transient community, Village Church of Lincolnshire is a church of about 200, where Lee pastors. Lee is the author...
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